Elder Care

Some people think all "Elder Care" means is to make sure a trust or will is in place. Nothing could be further from the truth; today as people live longer and require services as they age, Elder Care is a critical facet of one's overall life plan.

If you have an aging relative that you worry about in terms of who can look after their financial requirements and general lifestyle well-being, then our services in this area will help. With families living further apart these days, and new financial challenges constantly arising, it is easy for an aging person to lose control of their financial well-being. This has implications far beyond the immediate financial stress; it can impact their health, relationships -- and even cause discord and "finger pointing" among the rest of the family. All of this can be avoided and managed, with the proper elder care perspective.

Here are just a few of the things we can put in place, for your loved-one's elder care needs:

  • Make sure income is being received, and is correct.
  • Make sure bills are being paid.
  • Handling insurance company claims submission.
  • Reviewing medical bills.
  • Protecting against those that prey, financially, upon the elderly.
  • Checkbook, bank account and credit card controls.
  • Review and report on all financial transactions.
  • Assure that investment advisers are meeting their obligations.
  • Assure that investment goals are being met.
  • Review reports from any fiduciaries.
  • Investigating housing costs and alternatives.
  • Fiduciary planning (power of attorney, health care proxy, guardianship, trusteeship, living wills, medical directives).
  • Health insurance options (Medicare/Medicaid advocacy, LTC, Medigap, HMOs, Annuities, FSAs)
  • Asset utilization planning, including potential reverse-mortgage scenarios.
  • Mediation and communication among family members.

Beyond the financial and management aspects associated with elder care, we will be here to check on your loved one, to advocate for them, to communicate to you any concerns noted about medical care or other services providers, to make sure they have transportation, housekeeping and necessities -- to be your ears and eyes, if needed.

Don't wait until it's too late to have a sound elder care plan in place -- call us today.

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