Obtaining Financing

The days of walking into a bank and getting easy business financing are over. Business owners need to look at every possible opportunity for their capital needs.

Sometimes, you may get a commitment from a bank - but are the terms the best answer for you and your business? Many companies have unique needs and the typical lenders might not understand or appreciate this. We can help.

We work with companies to obtain the most favorable debt financing structures available. We help our clients answer questions such as:

  • Are there better interest rates available for my company size?
  • Is my amortization schedule appropriate, given my cash flow needs?
  • How do my advance rates on A/R and inventory compare to what’s available?
  • How can I get more flexibility that better finances my seasonal sales?
  • How can I finance growth opportunities?
  • Can I obtain debt that I don’t have to personally guarantee?

Relying on our investment banking and executive experience, we work with companies to access capital – on attractive terms – for a variety of purposes:

  • Permanent working capital
  • Capital expenditures
  • Growth capital
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Re-financing and re-capitalization
  • Leveraged and management buyouts
  • Shareholder monetization and liquidity
  • Dividend re-capitalization

We can tap into a vast network of funding sources, including:

  • Traditional commercial banks
  • Asset-based lenders
  • Foreign banks lending in the U.S.
  • Non-bank finance companies
  • Venture capital companies
  • Angel investors
  • Hedge funds focused on lending
  • Mezzanine (subordinated debt) lenders
  • Second-lien lenders
  • Unitranche lenders

All of these engagements require flawless due-diligence, analysis and reporting of key financial measurements for your business. We are equipped to work with you through this process, and to help secure the best possible type(s) of funding with the terms that make sense and will help you grow your business for the long term.

Contact us today to discuss your financing needs, and to learn how we can help.

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