Quickbooks Checkup

If you are already using Quickbooks, but you are concerned that it might not be set up correctly, or you may be using it incorrectly -- or if you review reports from Quickbooks and they just don't seem to make sense, then a review of your installation may be in order.

Depending on exactly what your concerns are, or what we see when we first look over your system, a full, partial or customized review may be in order. Along with this review, a full set of findings and corrective actions will be provided so will you not only know what is going on with your Quickbooks system, you will understand why - and you will understand how to keep the system running smoothly going forward.

Just a few of the things we look at when doing a Quickbooks Checkup:

  • Are reconciliations being done on time and correctly?
  • Are all transactions clearing, as they should?
  • Are transactions being carried to the correct accounts?
  • Are classes being utilized correctly?
  • Is chart of accounts set up appropriately for your business?
  • Is inventory being handled correctly?
  • Are asset and liability accounts correct?
  • Is Quickbooks aligned correctly with your tax return data?
  • Does anything look odd? E.g. negative balance in un-deposited funds, etc.
  • Are there any strange period-to-period variances that can't be explained?

We will perform as detailed an analysis as required, and make sure your Quickbooks system is set up correctly and that you and your employees are using it the proper way. If additional customized training is needed, we will be happy to discuss that with you as well.

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